Billy Sabab

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Zephyr Air Transport Inc.
5/9/2018 9:00am

Wasn't able to connect directly with @Bethany, but @Red Brown has a large collection of collectables that needs moving out of the dorms. Haunted pinball machines, possessed pachinko machines, love testers, grip testers, vindictive weight & fortune machines, angry punching bag machines. They're mostly in great shape, and I happen to know some collectors.

We've got just a little bit more space in the holds, and will be spending one more day on campus, so look us up if you've got anything you need taken away! You can't miss us--we're the big blimp moored down on Subliminal Field.


Billy Sabab
Master of Garbology
Matte Kudasai
(A Zephyr Air Transport registered and licensed delivery vessel)

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Zephyr Air Transport Inc.
4/27/2018 12:27pm

Hi @Bethany!

We're here to pick up that garbage from the job you posted on Zephyr Air Transport. We've been knocking on your dorm room door (room 2700 right? have we got the right building?) but aren't getting an answer. Is there someone else who could let us in?


Billy Sabab
Master of Garbology
Matte Kudasai
(A Zephyr Air Transport registered and licensed delivery vessel)